Creative responses to the collection
There are many fascinating pieces in the City of Melbourne Collection. The pieces below were written (and drawn) by writers and graphic artists who live, or have lived in Melbourne, responding to artworks, memorials and monuments in the City Collection.

Sam Wallman, Creative response to Petrus Spronk’s ‘Architectural Fragment‘ (detail), 2018.
Creative responses
'Architectural Fragment' by Sam Wallman
‘Blindness’ by Khalid Warsame
'Faultline' by Kelly Fliedner
'Spring Street' by Alice Bishop
'In praise of (extra)ordinary journeys' by Neha Kale
'Public Powwow' by Tiarney Miekus
'I'm just passing through' by Nikki Lam
'Fairies Tree' by Elizabeth Flux
'Remnants of a food court' by Timmah Ball